Social media

My professional profile is available on Linked In

I'm also on Twitch, YouTube and InstagramInstagram

My mastodon feed is on the far-right. I mostly toot in English, about tech and retro gaming and sometimes basketball but there is the odd Icelandic tweet. You can find my profile here over here

I also love playing the guitar and I've made available some backing tracks that I've written for others to enjoy or use under the Creative Commons license, you can find them on my Soundcloud 

Other places of interest

I have a blog page that you can take a look at. It contains my musings on the music I've written (backing tracks for guitar playing), programs I've written and various things I think are relevant to others

I've also written some small pieces of code and forked other projects on GitHub. You can download them or view them from my GitHub page. The code is generally well commented (documentation usually in the header) and there is also some discussion of each of them on my blog above.

My Mastodon feed